Safe, Reliable Drinking Water, Plumbed Directly to your Home.

We're offering water utility service to Greenwood, Texas.

Need Water?

Currently Servicing 542 of Your Neighbors

Solve Your Water Concerns Today!

Greenwood’s groundwater table is falling, and its poor quality is getting
worse. PBWR is providing a utility water service alternative in partnership
with the Midland County Utility District (MCUD). This safe, reliable,
high-quality drinking water can be plumbed directly into your home.
Solving your family’s reliance on a poor and failing groundwater supply.

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Untreated Well Water

Untreated groundwater in Greenwood is unsafe to drink. It contains arsenic, fluoride, nitrates, and total dissolved solids (TDS), and can violate EPA safe drinking water standards.
Having trouble with your faucets? And fixtures? This is likely why, and while a new water connection can not solve the past, it will protect your investment and your family into the future.

Call Now!
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Water Softeners

Water softeners are effective in removing hardness from the water but they add more salt to this already salty water. They leave all high levels of arsenic and fluoride right where they are – High and unsafe to drink.  Water softeners can be great if you love that slippy skin feeling in the shower. But let’s start with water that is safe to drink and will always be available. Most of our customers believe our water is balanced just right and end up getting rid of their water softeners.

It's Time!
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Low Flow Water Wells

Most private wells in Greenwood barely produce enough water for home use. We own deep large capacity wells, supported by a regional water plan and partnership with Midland County Utility District to ensure a sustainable supply now and into the future.  

Well flow rate declining? The water table fell at 2 inches a day during the summer of 2022.

Secure Your Future Water Today!

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A Safe and Reliable Alternative.



Municipal treated water from Permian Basin Water Resouces removes total dissolved solids and contaminants to bring the safest drinking water to you and your family.



With an already built infrastructure, we are the most reliable means of water distribution in Greenwood. With advanced systems in place, you can trust that your water will always be on.



No More Trucking, Wells, Softeners, or RO Systems.

Say goodbye to the hassle of ensuring that you have water that is safe to use and consume.

With Us, Its Easy.

We're right down the road from you and we're here to guide you through the process. Find out if you're in our service area.

Have Questions?

Speak with our experienced representative to get started Today!

2409 S County Road 1110
Midland, TX 79706
(432) 219-9874

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Permian Basin Water Resources?
Is the drinking water safe?
Where does the water come from?
Is my current well water safe to drink?
I have a water softener for treatment, isn't that good enough?
Are you in my area?
Can I keep my well for irrigation?
Will having a water connection improve the value of my property?
I already have my own whole house RO system. Why would I connect?
Can I finance the installation costs?
What are the monthly fees after installation?
How do I sign up?

Still have a question? Reach out today.

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